Zack Fox Earns Sporty’s Pilot Training+ Scholarship

Fox, a software quality assurance engineer, pursues lifelong dream of becoming a pilot


Zack Fox was just four years old when he had the opportunity of a lifetime to tour the flight deck of the USS Nimitz, the lead ship of the US Navy's Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. At the time, Fox’s cousin served in the US Navy aboard the Nimitz as an aircraft director (yellow shirt), responsible for the safe movement of aircraft on the flight deck and in hangar bays. During the time of Fox’s tour, the carrier was preparing for deployment in support of Operation Desert Storm.

Despite his young age, Zack remembers the excitement of the flight deck vividly and has been enamored with aviation ever since. Now, more than 30 years later, Zack is pursuing his dream of becoming a pilot and is the latest recipient of Sporty’s $2,500 Pilot Training+ Scholarship award.

Born and raised in Southern California, Zack Fox resides with his wife and three children in Franklinton, North Carolina, where Fox works as a software quality assurance engineer. He commutes to the Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU) for pilot training at FlightGest Academy. After participating in numerous discovery flights in a variety of aircraft, Fox now is enrolled in a private pilot training course, flying the Garmin G1000-equipped Piper Archer TX.

“Supporting my wife and three children while training five days a week in the early morning before work and maintaining a full-time job is challenging,” said Fox. “This scholarship will alleviate some financial pressure and be an amazing reward for the risks and sacrifices my family is making as I pursue my pilot’s license.”

Fox looks forward to being able to focus more on his training and less on financial burdens as he approaches his first solo milestone. He intends to use his scholarship funds to reduce his flight training loan obligation. Fox is utilizing Sporty’s online Learn to Fly Course to complete his ground training and FAA knowledge test.

Sporty’s Pilot Training+ is an all-inclusive membership that unlocks Sporty’s complete library of award-winning, video-based courses for one annual fee. Membership also includes the opportunity to apply for three $2,500 scholarships, awarded annually.

To take advantage of the Sporty’s Pilot Training+ membership, visit



Mark Wiesenhahn



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