Rosen Aircraft Sunvisors


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Rosen Sunvisor Systems are used in cockpits of corporate jets and light aircraft alike.
Rosen Sunvisor Systems are used in cockpits of corporate jets and light aircraft alike. Unlike factory sun visors, a Rosen system moves and extends to give complete cockpit coverage. The distortion-free lenses have a dark gray tint that reduces fatigue and filters 99% of the harmful ultraviolet rays. Because the lenses are transparent, they can safely cover a larger area than factory-installed visors - a feature you will really appreciate when making an approach into the late-afternoon sun. Cuts glare by 94% and heat by 86%. The brackets are machined aluminum and anodized black. This proven system is STC'd and PMA'd. Now, with the increased need to see and avoid traffic, it's time you give up your automotive-style visors and move up to Rosen.

Ordering Information
Each visor system includes pilot and co-pilot visors and all mounting hardware. Most install in minutes by simply replacing your existing visors. Others may take 2 - 4 hours. We stock visors for the following aircraft and would be happy to special order for an aircraft not listed. Before ordering, please determine how your current visors mount: Center, Side, or both.

Bonanza/Baron (two axis mount)
Bonanza/Baron (three axis mount)
Cessna 150-207 Side Mount
Cessna 172-207 Center Mount
Cessna 210
Piper* Center Mount (or no visors)
Piper* Corner Swivel Mount

*Some Piper factory visors have performance data tables on them. The Rosen replacement visors do not have this data.


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