IFR month is a four-week focus on the challenges and rewards of instrument flying. As part of the IFR focus, Sporty’s is providing webinars, videos, articles and interactive exercises. The goal is to encourage pilots to earn their instrument rating, get current, enjoy more utility from their pilot certificate—and have fun!
Get Rated. Get Current. Get Better.
Intro to IFR Question #29 - What to expect on an instrument checkride?
Intro to IFR Question #28 - What are Holding Patterns?
Intro to IFR Question #27 - How many hours does it take to get an instrument rating?
Intro to IFR Question #26 - What benefits does an Instrument Rating provide
Intro to IFR Question #25 - What are popular IFR acronyms?
Upcoming Webinars for IFR Month
Home Simulation for IFR Training and Proficiency - From a Pilot's Perspective
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 3:00 PM EST.
Today's flight simulators offer more versatility and feasibility to instrument flight rules training than ever expected. Join Sporty's, Chris McGonegle, as he covers how to build and feature set an at home flight simulator tailored towards instrument flying. He'll cover what type of computer is recommended, what simulator hardware works best, and today's leading edge software options.
How to Pass the FAA Instrument Written Exam and be Prepared for Real-World Flying
Thursday, February 20, 2025 2:00 PM EST.
We'll show how to use tried and true study methods and advanced learning features within Sporty's Instrument Rating Course to make the instrument training process an engaging and meaningful experience, and not just another exercise in rote memorization. Presented by Sporty's Senior Flight Instructor and lead course developer, Bret Koebbe.
IFR Quiz Hour: 10 questions to test your instrument flying knowledge
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 2:00 PM EST.
Sporty's John Zimmerman and Eric Radtke host a fun, fast-paced hour of IFR flying questions and tips, covering everything from approach charts to weather theory. We'll tackle frequently missed questions from the Instrument written and practical tests so you'll be prepared.
Articles, Quizzes, and Videos
IFR Month is celebrated across Sporty’s Media Network, including the popular Flight Training Central, Air Facts, iPad Pilot News, and Sporty’s PIREPS blog. Each will include articles, videos, quizzes and webinars on instrument flying topics.
Getting Started with Instrument Training
- Transitioning to IFR flying with an Instrument Rating
- Getting started with IFR training – tips for ensuring success
- Basic attitude instrument flying - the foundation for IFR flight
- From the archives: The real value of an instrument rating
- Round Out Your Pilot Skills with an Instrument Rating
- The joy of IFR - John Zimmerman, Air Facts
- The value of actual IFR conditions
IFR Quizzes
IFR Videos
- Understanding TEC routes in busy IFR airspace — Advanced IFR
- Choosing an IFR arrival procedure (STAR) — Advanced IFR, by Pilot Workshops
- RNAV/GPS Instrument Approach Tips - LPV, LNAV+V and more (video tip)
- Choosing the best IFR departure procedure (SID) — Advanced IFR, by Pilot Workshops
- Choosing the best IFR route — Advanced IFR, by Pilot Workshops
- IFR Flight Plans: What really matters to ATC (video tip)
Interactive Exercises
- Interactive exercise: Unusual attitude recovery procedures
- IFR holding pattern interactive scenarios
Advanced IFR
- Keeping One Step Ahead of ATC when flying IFR
- How to prepare for checkride day
- The art of instrument approaches - 7 tips for proficient flying
- How to get an IFR clearance at a non-towered airport
- Fly a contact approach from Pilot Workshops
- Go or No Go: Gulf Coast rain showers
- 3 holding scenarios to perfect in a flight simulator
- Understanding and Executing IFR Holding Procedures
- Chart Smart: IFR Enroute Low Altitude Chart airport depictions
- 5 “must-have” products for IFR training
- What matters for IFR proficiency? The answer is quite simple
IFR Insights, with Spencer Suderman
Sporty’s has partnered with record-setting airshow pilot and instrument flight instructor Spencer Suderman for a new video series, called “IFR Insights,” available free on YouTube. In each episode, Suderman shows how to use modern tools like iPad apps and datalink weather to make IFR flying safer and easier. Multiple camera angles and real world ATC audio allow viewers to ride along and see why “flying IFR” doesn’t have to mean shooting approaches to 200 feet.
Episode 1: Flying an RNAV approach in IMC
Episode 2: Circle to land approach