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PilotWorkshops IFR Procedures Manual

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The majority of instrument rated GA pilots struggle to maintain IFR proficiency. Even pilots that maintain the required IFR currency may still have gaps in their IFR knowledge that put them at risk. That’s where this manual comes in.

The majority of instrument rated GA pilots struggle to maintain IFR proficiency. It’s a real problem, and something PilotWorkshops has seen repeatedly over the past 17 years providing IFR training. Even pilots that maintain the required IFR currency may still have gaps in their IFR knowledge that put them at risk. That’s where IFR Procedures comes in.


  • 144 pages—fully illustrated with color photos, charts and graphics
  • Task-oriented format with step-by-step instructions
  • Clear explanations, real world examples and pro tips
  • Digital manual looks great on an iPad; keep it in your EFB app for quick access
  • Spiral-bound printed manual for easy use in the cockpit

The goal was to create a tool pilots can use to improve their IFR knowledge as needed. It is useful for a wide range of IFR pilots, whether they are rusty and need an IPC, or fly IFR regularly but need to brush up on a procedure they haven’t done in a while. The manual breaks each IFR procedure down into individual tasks, and explains in detail how to complete each one.

This step by step approach works well because it leverages the structure and consistency of the IFR system. For example, ILS and LPV approaches are flown in similar ways. By breaking them down into individual steps and explaining each one, you can see the similarities and differences between them. This holds true to many other aspects of IFR flying. By explaining each step and laying them out in sequence, it’s easier to understand how each one fits into a procedure, and how each procedure fits into the IFR system as a whole.

The manual addresses things that trip pilots up, and offers useful tips and real world examples to address them. It’s organized by phase of flight, includes a quick-search table of contents, and covers beginner through advanced procedures (see the complete list below).

This manual is not intended to teach IFR basics and is not a substitute for IFR ground school. But for pilots with an instrument rating (or those working on one) it’s a handy tool to refresh and deepen your understanding of the IFR system.


Sampel IFR Procedures Page
View a sample page here


Topics covered include:

  • Clearances: towered airport, non-towered, pop-up
  • Departures: ODPs, visual climbs, flying a SID
  • En route: choosing an altitude, block altitudes, VFR on top
  • Arrivals: descent planning, flying STARs, choosing an approach
  • Approaches: visual and contact approaches, vectors, glide paths, circling to land, missed approaches
  • Unusual cases: cruise clearance, practice approaches, ASR/PAR approaches
  • Post flight: canceling an IFR flight plan

Comes with both formats

This manual is available on Sporty’s Pilot Training platform, so you can read the digital version online or on your tablet—alongside all your Sporty’s courses. Powerful reading tools are included, like highlighting, search, and bookmarks. Or download the PDF for easy reading on all your devices, with or without an internet connection. You might even leave the 8.5” x 11” spiral-bound book in your flight bag!

Digital (PDF)

- Quick and easy download

- Instantly available in Sporty's Pilot Training App

- Looks great on iPad

Printed Manual

Spiral-bound  8.5” x 11”  full-color manual

- All the same features of the PDF

- Free shipping

IFR Procedures Book

The majority of instrument rated GA pilots struggle to maintain IFR proficiency. It’s a real problem, and something PilotWorkshops has seen repeatedly over the past 17 years providing IFR training. Even pilots that maintain the required IFR currency may still have gaps in their IFR knowledge that put them at risk. That’s where IFR Procedures comes in.


  • 144 pages—fully illustrated with color photos, charts and graphics
  • Task-oriented format with step-by-step instructions
  • Clear explanations, real world examples and pro tips
  • Digital manual looks great on an iPad; keep it in your EFB app for quick access
  • Spiral-bound printed manual for easy use in the cockpit

The goal was to create a tool pilots can use to improve their IFR knowledge as needed. It is useful for a wide range of IFR pilots, whether they are rusty and need an IPC, or fly IFR regularly but need to brush up on a procedure they haven’t done in a while. The manual breaks each IFR procedure down into individual tasks, and explains in detail how to complete each one.

This step by step approach works well because it leverages the structure and consistency of the IFR system. For example, ILS and LPV approaches are flown in similar ways. By breaking them down into individual steps and explaining each one, you can see the similarities and differences between them. This holds true to many other aspects of IFR flying. By explaining each step and laying them out in sequence, it’s easier to understand how each one fits into a procedure, and how each procedure fits into the IFR system as a whole.

The manual addresses things that trip pilots up, and offers useful tips and real world examples to address them. It’s organized by phase of flight, includes a quick-search table of contents, and covers beginner through advanced procedures (see the complete list below).

This manual is not intended to teach IFR basics and is not a substitute for IFR ground school. But for pilots with an instrument rating (or those working on one) it’s a handy tool to refresh and deepen your understanding of the IFR system.


Sampel IFR Procedures Page
View a sample page here


Topics covered include:

  • Clearances: towered airport, non-towered, pop-up
  • Departures: ODPs, visual climbs, flying a SID
  • En route: choosing an altitude, block altitudes, VFR on top
  • Arrivals: descent planning, flying STARs, choosing an approach
  • Approaches: visual and contact approaches, vectors, glide paths, circling to land, missed approaches
  • Unusual cases: cruise clearance, practice approaches, ASR/PAR approaches
  • Post flight: canceling an IFR flight plan

Comes with both formats

This manual is available on Sporty’s Pilot Training platform, so you can read the digital version online or on your tablet—alongside all your Sporty’s courses. Powerful reading tools are included, like highlighting, search, and bookmarks. Or download the PDF for easy reading on all your devices, with or without an internet connection. You might even leave the 8.5” x 11” spiral-bound book in your flight bag!

Digital (PDF)

- Quick and easy download

- Instantly available in Sporty's Pilot Training App

- Looks great on iPad

Printed Manual

Spiral-bound  8.5” x 11”  full-color manual

- All the same features of the PDF

- Free shipping

IFR Procedures Book


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